Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nobody Bikes in LA

In my never-ending quest to be healthy, I've decided to try a new tactic to getting into physical fitness. I've tried running, barefoot running, yoga, pilates, swimming, rowing… Nothing really works and more importantly, nothing sticks. Well today I'm going to try something new and to keep myself on top of it- I'm going to blog about it. Yesterday I acquired a bicycle. I'm starting a new job on Monday that just so happens to be about three miles away and I'm going to take it upon myself to bike to and from work every day for the next month.

Bike Tire Pump 
Gloves (I get sweaty hands... yum!)
Head/Rear blinky lights

I'm going to do little things about the neighborhood to get prepped for it... Let's do this!!

UPDATE: Just ran my errands today with my bike- with a trip to the post office and grocery store. A grand total of just under 2 miles. I feel like my legs are going to fall off. It's going to be a long month.