Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As you're reading this, you're thinking about that horrible disco song that you were probably forced to dance to at some point in your life. You're welcome.
I've recently gone into a wild spree of making gourmet popcorn. It sounds silly, but it's so simple and easy that it's really quite a game changer at the ever-popular movie night. I do need to make a disclaimer and say that I have a movie-theater style kettle popcorn machine. I fucking love that thing and up until recently, I was entirely a butter'n'corn type of gal. Now I'm more of a black truffle n' corn type of gal.
For the most part, the concept is simple: melt butter, add spices. The combinations are really endless. And if you don't have a theater-popper, just microwave or airpop some plain popcorn and have at it! Here are my current blends:

Truffle Popcorn: pop corn, melt butter and add black (or white) truffle oil, salt & pepper. Drizzle & toss over popcorn before serving.
Churrocorn: pop corn, melt butter and vanilla extract. Create a cinnamon/sugar/salt blend (easy on the salt, heavy on the sugar) Toss vanilla butter over popcorn and sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar.
Black and White: pop corn, set on wax paper. Melt down white chocolate in a double broiler and add butter and milk if too thick. Drizzle over popcorn. Melt down dark chocolate in double broiler. Drizzle over popcorn. Let cool completely. Break up into pieces.
Currycorn: Pop corn, melt butter and siracha hot sauce. Drizzle/toss srirachabutter over popcorn, dust lightly with curry powder.

…Even as I type this, I'm thinking about making a parmesan/rosemary popcorn or wasabi popcorn. (I might actually make that wasabicorn tonight, now that I think about it…) So gentle readers… what do you wanna put on your popcorn?

EDIT: (5/8/12) Don't do wasabi corn. It's pretty gross.

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